Golden Ray Reiki

Daily Distant Reiki

Heal, Manifest & Thrive!

What is Reiki?

Reiki is, quite simply, love. It is a form of Japanese energy healing which is beneficial for manifesting and supporting the things you are moving through. The practitioner acts as a conduit and sends universal life force energy to you. Reiki is gentle, beautiful, and magical!

Benefits of Reiki

Daily distant reiki works with subtle energies that can have profound impacts. Who needs reiki?  We believe that everyone can benefit from daily reiki.

Clients come to us for healing on health issues, disease recovery, relationship problems, career transition, blocks to manifestation, animal healing, to name a few. Reiki is an incredible tool for calling in divine support for healing and clearing the path to manifesting. Our clients have experienced the following results:

  • Relief from anxiety
  • Improved health and vitality
  • Healing from pain and discomfort
  • Fulfillment of goals
  • Increased joy and lightness
  • Self love and compassion
  • Acceptance and gratitude
  • Feeling good

Our Beliefs

In distant reiki the practitioner sends reiki light, love, and healing from across time and space to you. Distant reiki is effective because it can transcend time and space. It is convenient as you don’t have to be anywhere specific, schedule around it, or be distracted by other people’s energy. We believe that reiki should be available to everyone no matter where they are on the planet and that now is the time to spread as much universal love as possible.

Our offering is designed to help as many people as possible. We believe that sending reiki – helps amplify the collective consciousness and elevates everyone. It is our sincere hope that our healing flows from each of our clients to create a wave of healing energy for all. 

Our Offering

One Month of Daily Distant Reiki

Our offering is designed to gently assist you in fulfilling your goals, be it health, career, love or abundance. When you sign up up for a month you you will receive an hour of reiki every day on your request. Our Reiki Masters, Chris Katzin and Sandy Linton will each send you distant reiki for 30 minutes. They each have special energies that work well together to make the highest and best impact for your healing and manifesting.

In the sign-up process, you will complete an intake form giving Sandy and Chris the specifics on your request for reiki healing. Reiki will be sent to you every day and all you need to do is be open to receive and experience the magic of Reiki healing.

We believe the world needs more reiki healing right now and we want to provide you the loving support you need. Daily Distant Reiki is offered monthly at two rates $77 and $144. Please pay what you are comfortable with during these uncertain times.

As a special bonus, with every request you make reiki will also be sent to a shelter or wild animal in need in your area.

Multiple month packages are available upon request.

What people are saying about

Daily Distant Reiki!

“My specific request was around finances and the ability to open my own business. Over the course of the month, I noticed a number of tangible blessings come up, from unexpected income to monthly bills dropping in amount all of the sudden. I am so grateful for Sandy’s and Chris’ service and the way they lovingly hold space for others’ growth, in the light of Reiki.”  – Jordan B

“I experienced a shift into ease, a sense of well-being and wholeness. Around my specific request, the invitation I received was to release expectations and to allow an organic unfolding of the manifestation that is in progress. The support was heartfelt and tangible.”  – Lesa L

“I asked for a passive income during this period of rest and transition for me. I received over $1000 this month!!! I also had two enticing potential work partnerships appear during the month. Ask for it and it will come!!!!!  It was a beautiful month, filled with blessings –  completely amazing. So very grateful!” – Elizabeth S

“I wanted to let you know that I got the job!! Thank you so much for your reiki support during my studying and interviews. Grateful for the positive energy shift.” – Angela P